MC-6 meeting and Final Conference took place in Barcelona, Spain 13-15 February 2023. More info
MC-5 meeting and Final Conference took place in Menemen-Izmir, Turkey 26-28 September 2022. More info
Dear colleagues, SENSECO WG4 invites you to submit your work in the MDPI Remote Sensing
Special Issue "Recent Progress on Best Practice Protocols for Vegetation-Oriented Sensors Characterization, Calibration and Validation"
Dr. Laura Mihai
Dr. Aga Bialek
Dr. Alasdair MacArthur
Guest Editors
Dear colleagues, SENSECO team invites you to submit your work in the MDPI Remote Sensing
Special Issue "Special Issue "Cropland Phenology Monitoring Based on Cloud-Computing Platforms"
Dr. Jochem Verrelst
Dr. Katja Berger
Dr. Egor Prikaziuk
Dr. Clement Atzberger
Guest Editors
There is the opportunity to apply for Virtual Mobility (VM) Grants.
SENSECO will provide up to 6 VM Grants under this call with financial support of up to 1500 EUR for each grant.
The application deadline is the 1st of May and has to be done though e-COST, where you can download the template after starting the online application.
For more information, check the document attached.
The SPATIAL SCALING CHALLENGE is an open exercise where the participants are challenged to down-scale or retrieve relevant biophysical and plant physiological variables (e.g., leaf chlorophyll content, leaf area index, maximal carboxylation rate, non-photochemical quenching) from hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy data of a single scene provided to the participant.
Please, check this link for more information.
More info can be found here.
We are happy to anounce the calls for grants available this year:
There are two rounds of application with deadlines on 1 March and 1 May.
The application should be submitted through
Feel free to contact coordinators for questions.
Have a look! Very nice clip of our summer school in Plovdiv, Bulgaria in 6-12 Sep, 2021
#senseco-news cahnnel has the most recent news
The MC-4 & Joint WG workshop will take place from 11-13 October 2021 at the Hotel Cismigiu in Bucharest, Romania. More info
The deadline for Virtual Mobility (VM) Grants is extended until the 29th of August.
SENSECO will provide up to 6 VM Grants under this call with financial support of up to 1500 EUR for each grant.
The application deadline is the 8th of August and has to be done though e-COST, where you can download the template after starting the online application. For more information, check the document.
Feel free to join our webinars on Thursdays at 12 o'clock CET or watch them later on
The deadline for application 15 July 2021, more info
We encourage applications for "Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) Conference Grants". Please see below relevant dates:
Call for "Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) Conference Grants"
Applications: 30.05.2021 – 01.10.2021
Conference dates: by 31.10.2021
"Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) Conference Grants"
A Conference Grant is a fixed financial contribution that considers the applicant's budget request. Conference Grants do not necessarily cover all the expenses related to participating in each conference.
For this call, we will support specifically online conferences. In this case, the registration fees of the selected Grantee can be covered (see COST Vademecum Section 9).
Eligibility criteria
The applicant must be a PhD Student or an Early Career Investigator (ECI).
The applicant's primary affiliation must be in an Institution located in a participating Inclusiveness Target Country (ITC). The ITCs are as follows: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey.
Conferences, meetings, and other activities organized by the SENSECO COST Action are not eligible for funding.
The applicant must make an oral/poster presentation at the conference in question and be listed in the official event/conference program. The main subject of the oral/poster presentation at the approved conference must be on the topic of the SENSECO COST Action and must acknowledge SENSECO COST Action for support (see COST Vademecum Section 11). For the acknowledgement to COST, the following format should always be used: "Work carried out in the frame of the COST-Action "Optical synergies for spatiotemporal SENsing of Scalable ECOphysiological traits" (SENSECO, ref. CA17134) funded by the European Commission."
Ideally, the application should be submitted at least 14 days before the conference start date.
How to apply
Applicants must read carefully the rules detailed in COST Vademecum (Section 9).
Applicants must register for an e-COST profile at
Applicants must fill in and submit the ITC application form in the e-COST platform.
The following documents are required:
- CV,
-a short description of involvement in the COST Action SENSECO,
-an acceptance letter from the conference organizers stating that the abstract has been accepted as an oral/poster presentation,
-the abstract submitted to the conference.
The ITC Conference Grant Committee will assess the applications, which will perform the scientific and budgetary assessment of the applications.
The Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application within two weeks after the deadline.
The Grantee has 30 calendar days from the end date of the conference and not later than 31.10.2021 to submit a scientific report to e-COST.
Payment of the Grant is subject to the submitted scientific report being approved by the ITC Conference Manager.
Failure to submit the scientific report within 30 calendar days from the end date of the conference will effectively cancel the Grant.
For questions and clarifications:
WP4 will run a half-day workshop “Applied Uncertainty Analysis” that is held online on April 26, 2021, between 09:00 and 12:00 GMT.
To register for this event and obtain zoom meeting details, please send an email to Laura by the 31st March 2021!
Organizing team,
Laura, Aga and Andy.
Working group 3 organised jointly with colleagues from the Emphasis network a virtual workshop on the 10th FEB 2021. A description of the workshop and the presentations are available here.
Several interesting special issues relevant for SENSECO are open for contributions! Check them out at the links below!
Remote Sensing of Fluorescence, Photosynthesis and Vegetation Status
Remote Sensing for Biophysical and Biochemical Properties of Crops
Advances of Remote Sensing in Agriculture for Climate Change Adaptation
Remote and Proximal Assessment of Plant Traits
Leaf and Canopy Biochemical and Biophysical Variables Retrieval
The first deliverable of Working Group 4 (Establishing data quality through traceability and uncertainty) on the status quo of comparable, traceable radiometric measurements to define best practices is out! If you're looking for an introduction to traceable measurements or want to know how the community is working on this topic go check the results here!
In late summer we had to change our plans and organised a virtual summer school. Please find a summary here.
After carefully assessing the European situation, the general opinion of the organizing committee was that SENSECO should not take unnecessary risks by bringing people from all over Europe together. Please note that we have the responsibility to assure a safe event for all involved people, which can not be given at the moment regarding the pandemic. Moreover, in many countries physical lectures at the Universities are replaced by online lectures, and it was perceived that it should also be the right way for this summer school.
Therefore, unfortunately the organizing committee decided that the summer school will not take place as originally planned.
As a valuable replacement, the event will be:
The online event will be open only to candidates who successfully applied before the deadline. The teaching material will be available to all SENSECO members afterwards.
The final programme is available here!
In the coming days, all applicants will receive instructions on how to follow and interact in the online training event.
Best regards,
The EO-SENSE organizing committee
Dear all,
we are happy to announce that a joint Summer School (all WGs) entitled "EO-SENSE: sensing of vegetation traits in space and time", will be held in Plovdiv (Bulgaria) from 20-27 September 2020.
All details can be found in the flyer here!
The selection of participants will be communicated shortly after the submission deadline (31 July 2020).
Please share the flyer among your networks!
Best regards,
Summer School organizers
COST Vademecum has been updated and entered into force as of 1st May 2020. You can find it here!
Dear all,
We hope you are all in good health and take good care.
Important notice: Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the guidance by relevant authorities the joint Summer School entitled "Sensing of vegetation traits in space and time" in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, will be postponed to week 39 (i.e., 21-26 September 2020).
More information can be found here.
Best regards and stay healthy,
Summer School organizers
We are happy to announce that a joint Summer School (all WGs) entitled "Sensing of vegetation traits in space and time", will be held in Plovdiv (Bulgaria) from 6th to 12th July 2020. Stay tuned here for updates!
A training school on fundamentals of remote sensing and plant physiology will take place on 2-3 April 2020 at the Tartu Observatory (Tartu, Estonia). More information can be found here.
5-7 February 2020. More information can be found here.
More information can be found here.
The training will take place 18-21 November 2019 at the National Institute of Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, building CETAL (Center for Advanced Laser Technologies), Magurele, Romania. More information can be found here.
28-30 October 2019 at Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain. More information can be found here.
WG1 workshop focus on “SIF, NPQ, APAR, and Thermal scaling up approaches/protocols and its integration in RTM”. More information can be found here.
Special Issue "Recent Advances in Remote Sensing of Plant Stress" in Remote Sensing:
The event will take place 25-27 March at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. More info
Postponed to 2019!
Wageningen, Netherlands
Special Issue "Applications of Spectroscopy in Agriculture and Vegetation Research" in Remote Sensing:
February 04, 2019, Brno, Czech Republic
More info can be found here
February 05, 2019, Brno, Czech Republic
More info can be found here
On the 24 October 2018 the 1st SENSECO Management Committee (MC) meeting took place in Brussels. More info